Friday, December 31, 2004

So Long 2004

YYYiiipppppeeeeee…it's the last day of 2004, which will go down in my annuals as one of the most difficult years I've ever had. So, it is with much joy that I am saying goodbye to 2004 and hello to 2005.

As I breath a sigh of relief that 2004 is over and reflect upon the challenges and adversity, I can’t help but feel truly grateful, thankful, and somewhat victorious that I survived! Even though it’s been an incredibly hard year, I wouldn’t change a single experience or event if given the chance to do it over. I’m thankful for my broken brain and all the love, joy, peace, strength, insights, etc. that has been a direct result of it. Thank you Universe!

So, goodbye 2004 and thanx for everything: Even though I’m grateful to you, I can’t say that I’m sad you’re leaving.

Today’s Happy Accident: This whole year!


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