Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Best Week In A Long Time

I've had the most amazing week and been a very busy girl. Here are the highlights:

Monday: I was able to make my contribution to our judicial system and had jury duty.
Tuesday: I quit my job.
Wednesday: Found the spot that I ABSOLUTELY have to get married in and realized that, based upon the availability, there was only one day left this summer for a sunset wedding.
Thursday: Was able to get permit for the last day available so that I can have the perfect sunset wedding in the most beautiful shoreline spot EVER. So, the wedding date is officially set for Septemeber 24,2005. Woo hoo, the date is finally set in stone and can't be changed anymore!
Also on Thursday: Got a new job! My last day at my current job is April 15 and my first day at the new job is April 18.
Today: My first ever MS Walk. I formed a team (Team Turtle) and will be walking with 10 other super-cool and groovy friends. Then a victory dinner at Kings!

Happy Accident to celebrate: Discovering that when you make your intentions known to the Universe and then just take that blind leap of faith, everything has a way of working out the way it should!!!


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