Monday, July 19, 2004

And The Hits Just Keep On Coming

Turtle returned to work today and on an 8:00 a.m. company wide conference called found out that his company has been sold and is downsizing its work force by 22%.  Later this afternoon he received the phone call that he is one of the 22%.
I’ve actually stayed really positive and haven’t freaked out too much.  I had one good freak out phone conversation with my Mommy and think that was the therapy needed to get into a good mental spot about this.  But, after everything that has happened since the first of this year, it is hard to not let a little self-pity and anger at the Universe to creep in.  I mean, come on already; couldn’t my MS have been the final straw for my loved ones!  Does shit HAVE to keep being thrown at my family and me?  All I can say in all of this is, that since January 1st of this year my family and I have burned off one hell of a lot of bad karma!!
Okay, rant done!  It just helps so much to purge myself of these negatives thoughts.  I can now take a deep cleansing breath and move on!  I know in my heart-of-hearts that this is a good thing and that the Universe is moving Turtle and I in the direction that we need to be in to fulfill all our needs and dreams.  Ultimately this will be a positive and will mean even more happiness in our already blissful and truly blessed existence.  I’m meditating on that and have turned it all over to what is greater than myself and that feels really good!
I checked all my beautiful flowers today and they’re doing great!  The roses even perked up a little from being moved.  Coming home to my flowers was such a wonderful gift.
Today’s Happy Accident:  I took a nap this afternoon all by myself with no medication help and it was fantabulous.


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