Wednesday, July 28, 2004

My Last Day

Yippeee…wooohoooo…..yeah!!!  Today I took my LAST prednisone!  Thank you Jesus, I’ve been saved!  Bye-bye prednisone crazies; so long perpetual bitch.  You’re all things of the past!!  Everyday from here on out it just gets better and better.  Now I just have to work on never needing to take the awful wonder drug again and I’m up to that challenge.

I had a grrrlie night evening, one sorely needed and sorely missed!  It was so wonderful and a great gift for me.  M&M gave me a great visualization when I was explaining how Copaxone works.  She said, “It’s like having your own bodyguards protecting you.”  It’s the perfect visualization -- and is especially timely -- because I’ve been struggling to grasp the “perfect” visualization as I move into this next phase of healing.

I was also pleased to hear about my friends reading my blog.  I can’t explain how happy it makes me to know that people read.  It’s an incredibly special gift to me.  Maybe it’s validation or confirmation that I’m living.  It helps me feel more alive.  Maybe this will be my immortality.  Since my brain broke, I’ve thought about these things a bit more.  I bet you couldn’t guess that.  {{giggles}}.

Today’s Happy Accident To Celebrate:  My blog and all the people that read it!  I would never have started this if my brain hadn’t broke.


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